Friday, December 18, 2009

By Danielle Fisher, Esthetician

I feel like the ‘Ghost of Christmas Past’ from A Christmas Carol is bringing me back to reflect upon my life this year…As the end of the year is rapidly approaching, I realize how much I have learned this year – not only about the medical industry and skincare – but about myself.

AIM has become so multifaceted in the services we offer, we really redefined your average Medi-Spa, and define ourselves in our own category. Our doctors and physicians assistants work really hard to keep our clients healthy and youthful looking, creating “The Total You- Inside and Out”, in a comfortable atmosphere. The compliments I have received from our patients are so flattering… They feel much more relaxed coming to AIM knowing they are going to receive the highest level of service and are assured that we really want to help them. They feel special – and so do we.

I have been exposed to a grand array of exclusive clinical grade skin treatments this year. From Velashape to Dermaroller, to laser treatments like IPL and Fraxel, and injectables like Botox, Juvederm, and Radiesse, last but not least, our skincare line Neocutis– I was able to research and better understand the medical treatments available and the science of the skin. I know more than ever before. I could compare results and see what was most effective. Most importantly, I actually saw results.

This year, I would like to give the world my perspective on things- I am genuinely ecstatic for the changes people are able to make to their physical appearance to have a positive self-image for them selves. It may be considered superficial or vain to some, but to me it is more than that. There is nothing better than be able to look in the mirror everyday and to like what you see. You can wash your face, comb your hair and walk out that door ready to bring on whatever comes your way.

If people are happy and confident, they may work harder, live better lives, and hopefully share their happiness with others. We can make this world a more spiritual, peaceful, and loving place. I wish nothing but the best for everyone

What’s in store for next year? I aim to learn more, share more, and engage more. Our new Physician’s Assistant Ana Torres is brilliant and talented. Hopefully she will train me to be the best medical esthetician in Newport Beach. Our patients can look forward to seeing stronger peels, Acne Laser treatments, and a lot of informative blogs, plus so much more!!

Happy Holidays !

The Staff at AIM Medical Center

Advanced integrative Mind-Body Medical • 901 Dover Dr. Ste 204 • Newport Beach, Ca 92660• 949-722-9884

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

DermaRoller to Replace Laser?

By Danielle Fisher, Esthetician

I have to admit, I am a fan of certain laser treatments as a method of treating moderate to severe skin conditions. However, I discovered the damage that could be done to your skin from Fraction Laser (Fraxel), and I realized how potentially contradictory a laser could be.
Think about this – Fraxel uses a hot beam, inflicting a thermal injury, which destroys the stem cells, fuses the capillaries and tissue beneath the skin, and inhibits stimulation for creating new blood vessels. Fraxel creates an upholstering effect giving the illusion of firm, youthful skin and diminished wrinkles.
But in fact, you are suppressing blood flow and stopping the release of growth factors to the blood platelets. You may not know that growth factors are vital to creating new, YOUNGER tissue.
Are you really reversing your signs of aging or are you only temporarily masking it? You be the judge. Ahhh…How relieving.. There is an advancement in skincare that you don’t typically see at your local medical spa!
Developed by a German scientist in 2001, Dermaroller, is a non-ablative, mesotherapeutic, sterile needling device is used to treat skin conditions such as acne scarring, wrinkles, large pores, hyper-pigmentation, stretch marks, cellulite, hair loss, etc. Dermaroller preserves the top layers of the skin while inducing the body to create collagen and elastin.
For thousands of years, the Far East has used needling devices for therapeutic purposes. So it came as no surprise that the Dermaroller was first introduced to Asian cultures to begin testing. The results are phenomenal. Dermaroller may be a new concept to the USA, but backed with years of research around the globe.

The procedure:

This is a medical procedure that can be performed by trained and licensed skin care professionals. They require medical knowledge that MUST to be performed in a clinical environment.
The area you wish to treat calls for numbing with a medical grade numbing cream for approx. 20 minutes. At that time you can rest and unwind, as the tranquil sounds of instrumentals and nature take you into a deep state of relaxation.
After the removal of the numbing cream is complete, we use a drum shaped roller with 192 fine micro needles, across the area you are treating, repeatedly in multiple directions.

There is little downtime after Dermaroller therapy, you may have a slight redness like a sunburn, which could last from a few hours to a couple of days.

Results: They are what we all want, aren’t they?

Although puncturing the skin may seem a bit discouraging, GOOD things do start to happen. I’m going to get a little technical but here it goes..
Various growth factors are released plus new tissue structures are generated, in the form of COLLAGEN AND ELASTIN fibers and CAPILLARIES. NEW FIBROBLASTS and NEW CAPILLARIES are created and migrate, providing better blood supply that carries oxygen and nutrition to the skin.

Non-needled biopsy with normal collagen fiber formation (stained violet)

Six weeks after microneedling, a second biopsy from the forehead was taken. A dramatic increase of new collagen- and elastin fibers are clearly visible (stained violet). They reach into a depth of 0.6 mm. The increase of new fibers can reach 1000% with 1 procedure.

Your skin cannot be repaired over night, so I stress the phrase, “patience is a virtue”. It takes time to transform and you can expect results objectively after 6 to 8 weeks.

Facts After Several Sessions:
1) Significant improvement of fine lines, wrinkles, and texture
2) Skin is fresher, smoother, and more juvenile
3) Scars, acne scarring, and stretch marks can be drastically reduced
4) Pigmentation spots can become more even
5) Increased epidermal thickness
6) Decrease in pore skin and overproduction of sebum and melanin
7) Preservation of the epidermis during treatment, and no permanent damage to the skin

Over 10,000 acne scar treatments have been performed in within the past 3 years with Dermaroller. Acne scars have been found to respond the most positively to Dermarolling.

Depending on the area and the severity of the scars, several treatments may be needed to achieve the best result. The results vary from 30 to 70% improvement.

The best visible results are achieved with Dermaroller on wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet) and on the upper lip – areas where visible skin aging begins. The earlier and more often these kinds of wrinkles are treated with the Dermaroller, thebetter and more lasting are the results.

In conclusion, through research and various trials we have conducted, we have found the Dermaroller to actually be as effective as it claims to be. I tested the Dermaroller on a my own scar and I have noticed a visible change in the pigment of the scar and the texture is much smoother.

We are excited to be able to offer this service at AIM!

Advanced integrative Mind-Body Medical • 901 Dover Dr. Ste 204 • Newport Beach, Ca 92660• 949-722-9884

Down 10 lbs in 10 days From HCG

By Danielle Fisher, Esthetician

Recently, the LA Times wrote an article discrediting the hCG diet and its effects. I want to set the record straight, as I myself have tried the diet, and I lost 10 lbs within the first 10 days. It really wasn’t that hard either.
Being the “fat kid” growing up, I have constantly struggled with my weight for years. I was made fun of –called things like a beached whale or the chubby one. I found myself liking boys, but they never liked me back. I could not wear the cute clothes other girls fit into and I hated being in a bathing suit.
When high school came around I thinned out, but I still had those insecurities about my body that came from my childhood. I finally learned that exercise and eating healthy can really help improve your self image perception and I became more confident by having control of my weight.
Before I started the diet, I would exercise an hour or more a day, eat well (except for my fat Fridays), and I worked for a gym, so health and fitness was always on my mind. I was doing everything right for the most part, yet I had the hardest time actually LOSING weight. I maintained the same weight for years, but as I got older I slowly saw the scale going up. I never wanted to go back to that feeling I had as a kid, people judging me because of my weight. That scared me into really thinking… What am I doing wrong?
After taking a body fat analysis test, I found out that my body fat was at 25%. I was shocked. People may have said “Oh, Danielle, you’re in good shape” and I know I have a muscular build, but I didn’t realize how much fat I had on my body. ..Let’s just say 35lbs of it. I had to do something really different to my routine to handle that kind of reality check.
Dr. Schuder, the founder of AIM, had been researching the use of hCG for weightloss, which was a diet created by the physician A.T.W. Simeons in the 1930s. Dr. Simeons conducted experiments on people who were obese and found that if he injected the hcCG hormone into their bodies while consuming a low calorie diet, they would lose about a pound per day. On this diet, the patient would lose abnormal fat deposits, from areas of the body such as your hips, stomach and thighs, without losing muscle.
Was this really possible? I had to find out for myself.
I looked into it on the internet and determined that this is a diet that you did not have to exercise, you did not feel hungry, you would sleep like a baby, and lose 1 lb a day. I found video blogs on YouTube of success stories and saw the dramatic results. Plus, there were no claimed negative side effects that I was able to find.
Once I started, I realized the 500 calorie diet was not that bad. I ate mainly chicken and veggies like tomatoes, celery, and cucumber plus my pieces of toast. Like a good girl, I did not cheat. I found a new appreciation for food that I did not have before. I never realized how big of portions I was eating until I actually started measuring it out. I drank tons of water since it accelerated the weight loss and I felt refreshed and detoxified.
Within that first week and half I was down 10 lbs and my body fat percentage went down to about 20%. The feeling was incredible. I figured it would be best to stop since 10 lbs was my goal. If I were to do it for 30 days, I may have been able to lose the entire 35 lbs of body fat that I was accumulating.
Once you are completely off the diet, it is very possible that you will not gain the weight back. I can not say that for myself unfortunately, as I immediately went back to eating cookies. But, I have been taking weight and measurements for many of our weightloss patients, and they have maintained it so well and their results are phenomenal. Some of our patients have lost 30 lbs pr more!
On the bright side, my feelings about eating have changed. I appreciate food more than ever. The types of food I want to eat are healthy and filling. I have no regrets and there was no doubt that the hcg worked for me and it can work for you too.
For more information, check out our website at:

Advanced integrative Mind-Body Medical • 901 Dover Dr. Ste 204 • Newport Beach, Ca 92660• 949-722-9884